Are there any assumptions under which you are working (even subconsciously) when it comes to our sex life or relationship?
What has experience taught you to believe about sex and relationships, in general. I know we've talked about this to some degree. But the fact that I'd suppressed so much (even though I'd told you about it years ago) tells me that I have a knack for pushing emotions down deep, letting them fester, and then ignoring them as they sprout to the top and being to grow.
Our fights, then, just become self-fulfilling prophecy..."See, I knew he'd be disappointed with me." "I knew he'd walk out." And so on...
To some degree, I think I'm subconsciously pushing you into the same box...reliving a past relationship and proving to myself all the things I learned from its end.
What might you be bringing from past relationships that don't belong in ours? I know I have plenty...and I need to clean out that deep, dark closet for good.